The Caravan Tech Ecosystem

The Caravan Tech ecosystem sensors transmit information through a proprietary LoRaWan (Long Range Wide Area Network) antenna network and state of the art communication technologies, allowing for the flexibility required in today’s environment. The information is presented in real time through the Caravan Tech Software and App.

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    The sensors continuously transmit data to the network system

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    The system organizes and sends data to the cloud in a sustainable manner to optimize energy usage

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    CARAVAN TECH processes all the data received in the cloud and translates it into useful information that can be accessed in an intuitive and friendly manner by the rancher and his team through the app and software.

Our IOT devices

The Caravan Tech sensors collection includes the Caravan Ear Tag´s and Ruminal Bolus, which can be connected to each other or used independently. These devices are installed in the animal to collect and and share essential information relating to its vital signs, weight changes and location.  Additional sensors are installed in the livestock watering systems, fuel tanks, barn gates, palisades, vehicles and horses to provide a fully integrated monitoring system and information technology solution for livestock and agricultural management operations.

Caravan Ear Tags

Similar in its design to the traditional ear tag, Caravan Tech incorporates state of the art technology, which continuously provides each animal’s geolocation within or outside the property, allowing for them to be traced throughout their life span. Information collected by the Caravan Ear Tag allows for the monitoring of the livestock movements, patterns and feeding habits. Additionally, it provides detailed behavioral analysis of the entire herd, including the bulls’ activity.

Intraruminal Bolus

Implanted orally in the reticulum or the second ruminant stomach, this device will collect and transmit data through the entire lifespan of the animal. This device collects and transmits vital data parameters of the animal through biosensors. This data is processed and translated into useful management information, such as vital signs, body temperature, early warning of heat cycle or pregnancy, water consumption data and feeding patterns, among others.

This device provides measurements of water levels in livestock drinking systems. When the water levels fall below an acceptable level or overflows, the sensor communicates the issue. Additionally, the system provides up to date information on the daily average water consumption of every animal and of the herd as a whole.

This device allows for the monitoring of the doors and windows of warehouses, houses, barns and sheds for security purposes. It’s function consists of monitoring alerts that can be linked to different members of the team.

This device can be installed in a wide variety of vehicles and machinery on the property. It provides continuous data on the vehicle’s geolocation and usage patterns. It has an emergency system which allows for the user to request immediate assistance in the event of an accident or other critical situation.

This is a device that monitors the fuel tank levels. Alerts issued by these devices can also be linked to specific members of the team and vehicles to keep a detailed track record of supplies, and users and consumption averages.

 Is an instant messaging system that can be accessed and used from any device including cell phones, tablets and computers. It works without cellular coverage, allowing for each member of the team to be connected with each other at all times.

This is a device placed in the neck of the animal, which provides information regarding the animal’s current and historic locations.

 This device is installed in the palisades of the property. It allows for continuous monitoring of the movement of people and assets around the property, providing critical information about who is accessing the property and when and creating a historical record.

This device can be installed in strategic locations around the property, allowing for staff and their families to access and activate it in the case of an emergency.